by Arlyn Amboy
In a very hot day nothing beats a glass of ice-cold water to quench your thirst! But drinking water isn’t just about that. Hydration is said to be the “incorporation of molecular water into a complex molecule with the molecules or units of another species; the complex may be held together by relatively weak forces or may exist as a definite compound” or just replenishing the lost fluid in our body. It’s very important to hydrate our body to prevent migraine, nausea, muscle weakening, blurred vision and dry skin. Water has ions which is body’s electrical energy source. Through hydration our body absorbs the minerals from the liquid and releases the waste and become our sweat and urine.
8 glasses of water a day is needed to maintain proper body temperature. It can also be juice, tea, or coffee. But if the weather is pretty hot, it is advisable to take more than 8 glasses. Athletes on the other hand need to hydrate more often for they sweat more.
A lot of people tend to take this fact for granted, and what’s more dangerous is that, effects of dehydration occur when your body is already sold out! Though there is such thing as hyperdration or over-hydrated still it’s better that we keep ourselves with water than be hydrated.
So next time you go out in the street or while playing your favorite sport be sure to be armed and bring a bottle of water.
good idea for story.. spell out the number when used at the start of the paragraph (Eight not 8)