Did you
know that there is a television reality show where in the loser is the big winner? The biggest loser is a reality show in The United States of America and it features overweight contestants competing to lose the largest percentage of their body weight and receive the title of “biggest loser,’ along with a $250,000 grand prize. The show was a huge hit not only in the ratings but also in inspiring others to exercise and to be more conscious to their health. The contestants became instant celebrities as well as role models to those who are still having a hard time controlling their gluttony. At the start of the show, contestants are eager to win for the prize, but as the show goes on, the show made them realize the consequences of
their actions, and how being healthy will make their live longer. Up to now, the Biggest Loser season one first grand winner, Mr. Ryan Benson, remains to be a role model, not only the contestants of other seasons, but also to all the audience of the said show. During the show, Ryan Benson, which was 36 years old during the start of the show, weighs 330 pounds. At the end of the show, he loses 122 pounds making him 208 pounds heavy and the biggest loser. Now the life of Mr. Ryan Benson continuous to be healthy as he brought all the things he learned, whether the right diet or the proper routine of exercise to his normal life.

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