Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Jogging is FUN! by Von Allen Belinario
Jogging is an easy-to-do exercise done by a lot of Filipinos. It is scientifically proven to decrease the risks of heart attack and hypertension. Also, it reduces stress and fatigue. With proper diet, it can also lowers our cholesterol which make our body more energize. In this video, a man is doing simple jogging routine. So, what are you waiting for? Jogging is affordable! Jogging is beneficial to our health! Jogging is FUN!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Brain Damaging Habits
The brain is the most complex organ of the human body. That part of the central nervous system that is located within the cranium or skull. The brain functions as the primary receiver, organizer and distributor of information for the body. But people ignore the importance of our brains. By simply doing the following negligence, it can harm someone’s life.
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar Consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
Taking care is simple. Act now! Do a little, get a lot!
The pervasive growth of fast food restaurants here and abroad just proves the clamor of people for their products. But are fast foods beneficial to our health? Are they good or bad?
The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time. In this world of fast-paced life, what could you ask for in a fast food? At the end of a very hard working day, a burger or a pizza could be godsend. It saves energy from buying ingredients in the supermarket and preparing food at the kitchen. And also, it is much cheaper to eat at fast food restaurants than to buy and prepare your own food.
On the other hand, the greatest disadvantage of fast food is that it has adverse effect to one’s health. Fast food contains higher amounts of salt, fats and calories than that of a home-cook food. It is an important contributor of obesity here and abroad. The excess fats and calories we take up in these fast foods are not completely used that causes cardiovascular diseases. With obesity come other problems like high blood presure and diseases of the joints.
Upon stating some of the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of fast food, it is now up to you what to choose. In the end, it is still our decision. Learn to weigh which could be of greater beneficial to you and your health. Remember, too much of something can be very harmful. There is way too much to sacrifice if you get in the wrong track. Stay healthy. Stay happy.
Most of the nutritionists blame the lack of fiber in our diets for the increasing amount of heart patients and growing numbers of people who suffer from bowel disorders. This may be true because white bread, cake, sugar, salt and processed foods have become predominant in our diets. We also eat more meat nowadays and all of these foods lack the necessary fiber to move the food through our digestive tracts and through our stomach quickly.
his means that food is sitting in the stomach and bowels for a longer period, which could be why there has been an increase in cancers to these parts of the body. People who eat too much processed foods instead of wholegrain, fruits and vegetables may be at risk of suffering from obesity and other disorders too.
Fiber is essential in our diets and to the well being of our health. Fiber rich food items basically include all bran cereals, beans, peas and cabbage. There are also some high fiber fruits which intake can lead to an overall enhancement of one's health.
As you increase the intake of fiber in your diet, you should also accompany this with a good consumption of water. Also, increasing the intake of foods high in fiber is better than using fiber supplements. However, eating wisely and healthily can make you feel better without the threat of any illness.
- Jannah Grhey O. Dingal
Water makes up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body, and without it, humans would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen.
Here are some of the simple ways on how water helps us:
- Water serves as a lubricant
- Water forms the base for saliva
- Water forms the fluids that surround the joints.
- Water regulates the body temperature, as the cooling and heating is distributed through perspiration.
- Water helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and thereby eliminating waste- the best detox agent.
- Regulates metabolism
Chris Burke was the first person with Down syndrome to star in a weekly television series. Currently, he serves as the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) Ambassador. Chris had the faith in his own abilities and the courage to face prejudice as he pursued his dream to become an actor.
The physical features and medical problems associated with Down syndrome can vary widely from child to child. While some kids with DS need a lot of medical attention, others lead healthy lives.
Though Down syndrome can't be prevented, it can be detected before a child is born. The health problems that can go along with DS can be treated, and there are many resources within communities to help kids and their families who are living with the condition.
And now, Burke is living a normal life and traveling from here to there delivering inspirational speeches to various groups of children, students, parents and professionals. He also writes a column and responds to reader's correspondence in a regular question and answer feature in a magazine.
- Jannah Grhey O. Dingal
Friday, October 16, 2009
Off to a Good Start
Before we see our favorite players strutt their stuff in the court, they have some things that they do. Most people tend to take this for granted when in fact it is one of the most important things in sports or some activities... Warm-up exercises. It can be as simple as a brisk walk or a slow jog which should be completed prior to stretching and more strenuous exercise. Its objective is to raise total body temperature and muscle temperature to prepare the entire body for vigorous activity.
The two main purpose of this is to enhance performance and of course prevent injuries. Warm-up increase the blood circulation in order to raise both the general body and the deep muscle temperatures, it helps heat up the muscles, ligaments and tendons in preparation for more vigorous activity. A proper warm-up provide many benefits due to elevated temperatures associated with it. The likelihood of injury is reduced. Athletic performance can be improved. The warm-up increases muscle efficiency, reduces potential for muscle pulls, improves reaction time and improves the speed of movement of muscled and ligaments.
“Proper warm-up can also help reduce the severity of post-exercise muscle soreness. The higher temperatures and increased blood flow resulting from warm-up are important for delivery of oxygen to the muscles and for prevention of build-up of unwanted waste products which can lead to muscle soreness.” (
Although some people usually mistaken stretching for warm-up, the difference is it is important to warm-up first before stretching, because if one stretches the muscles without prior warm-up, the muscles are cold and are more prone to injury, such as muscle tear or strain.
So before enjoying your favorite sport be sure to be equipped with your gears and do some warm-up and be the best athlete you can be!
GoChi: New Wave in Wellness Industry
FreeLife International introduced a new wave of wellness product: more effective and more awesome than before! According to the resident scientists of FreeLife, GoChi contains over 30% more of the special bio active goji polysaccharides providing tremendous nineteen health benefits in just 14 days which includes: less fatigue, improved athletic performance, increased energy, reduction of stress, sharper mental acuity, increased ability to focused and a lot more. The name GoChi is a combination of "go" from the word "goji" and the word "chi" which is a Chinese word meaning "life energy". For more information regarding this amazing product, just visit or call 09158433967.
-Von Allen Belinario
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Team Providence
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Rabies Prevention?
Rabies remains to be one of the most fatal viruses not just in the Philippines, but in the whole world. In the Philippines alone, according to the Department of Health, 200-500 Filipinos die every year because of rabies making the Philippines the top six country that has the highest number of cases of rabies in the whole world. But what is rabies and do we only get it by being bitten by dogs? is a viral neuroinvasive disease that causes acute encaphalitis (inflammation of the brain ) in warm-blooded animals. It is zoonotic (i.e. transmitted by animals), most commonly by a bite from an infected animal but occasionally by other forms of contact. Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms. Early-stage symptoms of rabies are malaise, headache and fever,later progressing to more serious ones, including acute pain, violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, depression and inability to swallow water. Finally, the patient may experience periods of mania and lethargy, followed by coma. The primary cause of death is usually respiratory insufficiency.
Last month, I and some of my classmates conducted a research about "tandok" or the native way of removing rabies. They are usually found in provinces here in the Philippines like Tarlac. Before they use "sungay ng kalabaw" but now, due to technology, they've created a somehow medical device. With this device, they prick you, and the device will suck the blood with rabies. They said that the color and texture of the blood is different from a normal blood. We tried to interview a doctor and we are very fortunate to have Dr. Leendon LeeSuy, a Medical Specialist of Department of Health. He told us that it will still be better to go to doctors and have a medical way of preventing virus which is having anti-rabies injections since it is proven unlike with "tandok" where in there is still no medical and scientific evidence that it really works. He also stressed out that Rabies cannot be seen by our naked eye and those blood that they were talking about are merely clotted blood.
At the end of the day, It really depends on a person if he will believe in Tandok, and it depends if he will believe that the rabies will be prevented, it's all about his faith.
-article by ALBERT R. SISON JR.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Oranges are most commonly liked by majority of people of all age groups because of it's delicious taste. But do you know that this fruit is a rich source of vitamins especially vitamin C which is essential to your health?
Aside from Vitamin C, oranges contain beta carotene which is an important antioxidant which safeguards our body from various ailments. We all know the importance of calcium for the development and formation of strong and healthy bones. This important calcium can be provided to the body via intake of oranges. Moreover, oranges provide folic acid for the proper development and functioning of the brain. The magnesium that is present in oranges also helps in keeping one's blood pressure under control and the potassium content ensures that one has a healthy cardiovascular system.
The potassium that it also provides help in maintaining electrolyte balance of cells.
So you see, these are just some of the great benefits that you can achieve through oranges. Why not try including it in your diet? You'll be healthy by taking a fruit that is absolutely nutritious and affordable.
- Jannah Grhey O. Dingal